Couples Supper Club Life Group

First Friday of Every Month | Please fill out this form and click submit.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” –Acts 2:42

We are excited to announce our newest Grow Group for Couples, we will gather in  groups to get to know each other better and share the fellowship of a simple meal. We are a  busy church, and one of the joys and challenges of being a large and busy church is that there is always someone new to meet. Our Supper Clubs can foster opportunities to make friends with other wonderful couples outside of our usual social circles. 

What is a Supper Club?
  Supper Club is a potluck dinner at a host’s home, where a group of couples meet in an informal and relaxed setting. It’s great for newcomers and long-timers.

What’s the agenda?  The only agenda is to get to know one another better and share food and fellowship. There is no program – just dinner, hospitality, and conversation.

Who can participate?  All adult couples who attend Living Water  (members and visitors) are invited to participate!

How does it work?  Everyone who has signed up will receive an email with the host address, time and the sign up sheet for the potluck theme. The goal is for couples to come together in this life group, every month on the first Friday. You can come to all or just one, whatever works for your schedule. Our hope is that we are building stronger friendships and also we get together with each other on other occasions  as well. Each month, one couple will agree to host the group in their home with a theme for the month. We will all have the opportunity to  contribute to the meal (main dish, salad, sides, dessert, beverages, etc.) 

If you are thinking, I want to host or help out with this Grow Group, how can I? When you sign up online, there is a place to indicate  if you are willing to be the Supper Club Life Group Lead, or if you are willing to host the Supper Club in your home. The Supper Club Life Group Lead will reach out to the grow group by email or phone, and will coordinate the monthly themes, sign-ups  and the place for the life group to meet.

What if I’m a vegetarian, or lactose/gluten intolerant, or allergic to garbanzo beans?  There is a place to list all your dietary restrictions on the online form. Your Supper Club Life Group Lead and hosts will be informed of your needs and will work with the grow group to make sure there are options for you.

What about kids? 
Based on feedback from parents, we are currently limiting Supper Clubs to adults and this Life Group is for Couples only as well. 

If you’re interested, sign-up Today!
 Shortly after you sign-up, you will receive an email with the location address and the dinner theme of the month.

Come be a part of the table fellowship! We hope you will participate. It will be a neat opportunity to strengthen the bonds of our church Family and make some new friends. Jesus knew that sharing meals is the best way to build community.

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First Friday of Every Month
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